In 2014, a group of sixteen photographers, working independently but collectively as the Swanscombe Project, held an exhibition and seminar at Goldsmiths, University of London on the Swanscombe Marshes. Since then, the proposed London Resort theme park has not been developed and the Marshes have been granted status as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. A decade on, I returned to the Marshes to talk with photographer, Kelly-Ann McGuinness, whose photographs have beautifully shown and evidenced how the Marshes are home to an array of unique wildlife including rare insects, birdlife and flowers. Listen to our conversation in this short podcast.
Kelly-Ann McGuinness
Everything that is there is amazing, I've discovered so many insects that I've photographed, then I've come home and I've put them on my Instagram and I've had people who are experts get in touch to say, 'Oh my goodness, that's a black mining bee!' .I never knew about this black mining bee, but it's a rare one.
Kelly-Ann McGuinness is a photographer and nature enthusiast. She has always had a love for the outdoors, but her interest in learning about and photographing British wildlife, began when she first started exploring the Swanscombe Marshes in 2020. Since then she has been a regular visitor to the marshes and has developed a passion for documenting the incredible diversity of wildlife found there, particularly birds and insects.